These photos pretty much sum up what have become essential tools over the last few years.
The palette is a combination of transparent and opaque pigments (something I don't take any notice of anymore),and a warm / cool layout with some random intuitive variances. It contains from left to right starting at top:
Prussian Blue, Indanthrene Blue, Ultramarine, Cobalt,Cerulean,Cobalt Green, Perm Magenta(random placement but always here) Viridian, Quin Gold, Aurolean, Cad Yellow pale, Raw Sienna, Raw Umber, Winsor Red, Cad Scarlet, Cad Red, Scarlet Lake, Perm Alizarin, Permanent Rose or Opera Rose(I squirt them both into this position and let them work themselves out), Burnt Sienna, Brown Madder, Burnt Umber,Indian Red, Diox Violet(Especially kept to remind me of Bruce MacEvoy's dislike of purple and that it should be always used as often as needed) It's actually very handy as a strong transparent darkener. They're all W&N which are not bad value in the 37ml tubes these days. The photo shows some fluid acrylics which i dabble with sometimes. I'll use whatever pigment suits the mix, either decided by volume required or pigment hue. I don't mind putting some gesso with the watercolours to make a gouashe as well.
The tilting table has a hydraulic foot pump and tilts between flat and vertical with the flick of the hand. Made in Sweden by Nike, cost me $40 out of the local rag(best 40 bucks I've ever spent)
The round bushes are kolinskys apart from 2 smaller ones on the right with the red handles which I use a heck of a lot for those cellular windows paintings etc.
The yellow handled big kolinsky mop is made by Rosemary http://www.rosemaryandco.com/
It's a #8 if you're interested in enquiring and want to compare sizes. It worth a fortune these days, when I got mine they were semi affordable.
I'm not a big fan of using flat brushes for applying shapes, never have been and doubt I ever will, much to my old mentor's chagrin.
An exception to that is the 2 inch Hake is not to be underestimated in flair and versatility, it's an exception to the "flat rule", I wouldn't be without it.
Beer is Hahn premium.